


A note from Joplin's adopted Family:

We adopted Joplin, previously named Nedda, in 2006. She was our third AMRONE malamute and our first woolly. She was sweet, funny, a very cool dog, brimming over with personality, and she was absolutely gorgeous! She turned heads everywhere we took her and melted hearts with her super friendly personality and gentle woo-woo greetings. She loved it when strangers stopped to tell her how beautiful she was! She really enjoyed being part of our pack, having a big yard to romp around in and a dog door so she could come in and out as she wanted. She was an enthusiastic digger and drastically altered the landscape in our backyard with her excavation projects. She had a little bit of an independent streak and would spend many evenings, especially blustery cold ones, out on the back deck sniffing the breezes. But she always loved to come in at bedtime to take her place on her dog bed in our bedroom. It seemed like bedding down with the pack was really important to her. She was a great howler and would really get into it when she heard sirens. Group howls were the best with the three malamutes in perfect harmony!

We really miss that!

In mid-May Joplin stopped eating, became lethargic, and was obviously uncomfortable. After several trips to the vet and a bunch of tests she was diagnosed with very aggressive intestinal tumors that had spread into the lymph nodes. It was not treatable and we had her euthanized. It was really hard; we were not ready to lose her. But, despite that, we are so appreciative of the time we did have with her and with our other AMRONE mals. They were all very special and gave us so much love and so many memories.

Donna & Steve

Joplin Joplin Joplin Joplin

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