


A note from Took's adopted family

I had wanted an Alaskan Malamute for as long as I could remember. It wasn't until August 2004 when I was in my early twenties that AMRONE and Took came into my life. When I went to meet him at his foster home outside of Springfield, Mass, he instantly leaned his entire body into me and I knew he was the one I had been waiting for for so long.

Mr. Took Malamute and I lived in Foster, Rhode Island, for almost three years where he saw me through early-twenties angst and heartbreak. My only constant companion, he knew that by burying his forehead into mine, he could ease my pain and fill my heart with love. He couldn't wait for me to come home from work, where he'd be smiling out the window, wagging his tail furiously, waiting for me to walk in and get the leash for our daily walk. He was never happier than on our walks -- except of course when he was eating. Especially carrots, which he ate as if they were bones.

In 2007 we trekked across the country to bravely move to Sonoma County, California, where we knew no one, him pacing in the car the entire way (a mix of excitement and nerves). During those first few homesick years, he was my rock. We explored the hills, teased the cows, watched the hawks overhead. He met quite a few dog friends to run around with and love, always having the energy to chase them, despite being the older boy. A sometimes mischeivous soul, he one time even got into some critters at the beach, in the meantime impacting his entire intestines full of sand. It was quite an x-ray! I learned my lesson and kept a better eye on him at when we visited the ocean.

In the 7 years we've lived here, he worked his way into the hearts of everyone who met him. Especially my husband, who grew to overlook the amount of fur he left on our floors and fell hard for him in spite of it, and my step-daughter who loved his howls and funny antics. The last few years of his life, he helped me through some painful loss on our way to building our family.something I could never have made it through without him. He would sit by my side through all the tears and press his forehead to mine, just as he had in the early years. He'd curl up behind my legs as we slept, letting me know he was there. In 2012, we finally welcomed our daughter, and our pack was complete. Having no experience with babies, I was unsure how he would be.but the lover that he is, Took saw her as part of it instantly. It didn't hurt that when she was old enough to drop food, he was the first to clean it up.

The last few months weren't easy. His back legs started to go and we tried our hardest to ease the pain through medication, knowing surgery would be too much for him at his age. Everyone at his vet fell in love with him, even creating a pop-up for anyone who accessed his record exclaiming that he was the "Best Dog Ever." They tried everything they could to keep him alive and pain-free, and I can't thank them enough. We finally called the vet to have her come to our home on Monday, February 24th, when he could no longer walk. His last few hours were filled with all of his favorite foods and endless chest rubs and forehead presses. He passed at 5 p.m. in his favorite place outside on the porch, overlooking the yard.

Took brought me to my family, remaining as important to me in the end as he was in the beginning. I may have taken him home that one day in August, but I believe he had always been with me and always will be. Thank you for being a part of my life for 9 1/2 years, Tookie. You're missed tremendously. Our house seems empty without you.

Thank you, AMRONE for bringing him to me and to his previous owner for so obviously loving him as much as I have.

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